>Hi RAOH !!!
>Me and my friends of the zx-12r club of France
>we wish the exit for 2006 of a new "truth" zx-12r!!!
>we would like in priority :
>- zx-13r
>- 200kg
>- 195 horses power without RAM-AIR
>- have new design with the nose of the 2000/01 (the real zx-12r!)
>you who are Japanese, you do not have information coming from your national manufacturer Kawasaki?
>thank you to inform us ;)
>thank you RAOH;)
>do not hesitate with poster following this subject the pictures of
>your zx-12r
>in France we love your transformations ;)))))))))))
Hi fuiizx12r
If there was an opportunity coming to japan this time riding
2000 zx-12r models, I Who say MANI will be correct by all means.