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Re(2):12R Engine does not start
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 いわし  - 04/5/14(金) 3:28 -

韓国の人なら大抵の人が日本後okじゃないですか?? 単一言語しか通用しないのは日本だけですから。。

Good evening Mr. Joe!

I have never heard that the engine-blow was occurred by the replacement of the exhaust system without fuel-adjustment.
In addition, I don't know the person who encountered the same phenomenon that was caused by the Akra-EVO.line, such trouble has not been heard though a lot of owners are installing it.
I don’t understand well the difference of detailed specification of manufactured year.
So, let’s wait for the correct answer that is replied by the man who understands well.
However, I may be worried for a while. Did you check the state of injection well as a cause of engine-blow?
Although you said that only the #3 cylinder broke down, didn't block of fuel occur in the #3 cylinder?
I consider that the fuel of only #3 cylinder become thin extremely, and it caused engine-blow only in #3 cylinder.

1,835 hits

12R Engine does not start Joe 04/5/12(水) 21:14
┣ Re(1):12R Engine does not start R-1 04/5/12(水) 21:20
┃┣ Re(2):12R Engine does not start 爆走?!中年 04/5/12(水) 22:14
┃┗ Re(2):12R Engine does not start よこやん 04/5/12(水) 22:29
┣ Re(1):12R Engine does not start 森野 熊三 04/5/13(木) 7:34
┣ Re(1):12R Engine does not start Joe 04/5/13(木) 9:49
┣ Re(1):12R Engine does not start Joe 04/5/13(木) 9:59
┃┣ Re(2):12R Engine does not start 爆走?! 04/5/13(木) 11:05
┃┗ Re(2):12R Engine does not start 森野 熊三 04/5/14(金) 7:45
┗ Re(1):12R Engine does not start 匿名 04/5/14(金) 0:50
┗ Re(2):12R Engine does not start いわし 04/5/14(金) 3:28
┣ Re(3):12R Engine does not start いわし 04/5/14(金) 3:30
┃┗ Re(4):12R Engine does not start Joe 04/5/14(金) 10:14
┗ Re(3):12R Engine does not start Joe 04/5/14(金) 10:23
┗ Re(4):12R Engine does not start みどり12R 04/5/15(土) 3:13

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