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 Cal-LA 12R  - 04/5/31(月) 7:43 -
>By the way, I hope to hear motorcycle insurance system in Japan.
>It is for studying Korean and Japanese insurance system and hopefully to learn advanced Japanese motorcycle insurance system.
>I searched several articles in Japan Yahoo.
>There are 2 types.
>Compulsary Insu and Choosalble Insu.
>What I am wondering is how to calcurate;
>Age, capacity, and etc...
>What kinds of items available...?
>The insurance covers my bike when I crash by myself?

Joe, it looks like you are having a bit of hard time with the communication..
Here is the response to your questions that hopefully sheds some light and get you a basic idea of the system.

The compulsory insurance:
It is called "Jibaiseki-Hoken" in Japanese, and is Categorized by the displacement of the engine, in the steps of upto 49cc, to 124cc, to 249cc, and over 249cc.
So the 12R is in the last category.
The insurance cost is determined by the category, and is the same within the category no matter which insurance company you contract with.
This covers up to 1.2mil. yen for bodily injury, 30mil. yen for a death, and 40mil. yen for severe aftereffect of an injury.

The choosable insurance:
It is called "Ninni-Hoken," and you have many options to choose from per coverage on additional bodily injuries as well as property damage and your own vehicle.
The pricing is complicated because it defers by insurance company, your age, driving record, and by assumed annual driving distance.
Because of so much variety, I would not write details, but just FYI, the biggest difference occurs by the age limitation in the contract. The younger you are, th ehigher the rate. Especially for under 20 yrs. old, the price is significantly high.
Typically, in Japan, people do not choose to cover the bike itself due to the rate - I have heard that if the cost is about 1/3 to 1/2 of the price of the bike per year - it is just ridiculously expensive. Now you have an idea of how much it is.

I guess this is the particular information you are looking for.

BTW, in case you are wondering, I am a Japanese, and that is why I know the system.
Currently I live and ride the 12R in the US.
Sometimes I browse this site for information, but not a member of this site or anything.
Just a rider.
1,015 hits

Insurance Joe 04/5/25(火) 10:55
┣ Re(1):Insurance(怪しい英語?) ピロダイ 04/5/25(火) 14:30
┃┗ Re(2):Insurance(이상&#54... Joe 04/5/27(木) 12:15
┣ Re(1):Insurance 匿名 04/5/26(水) 22:13
┗ Re(1):Insurance Cal-LA 12R 04/5/31(月) 7:43

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