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Re(2):12R Engine does not start
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 爆走?!  - 04/5/13(木) 11:05 -
How do you do, is it living in JOE and South Korea?
2001, there will be change of ECU.
It is because regulation equipments (limiter), such as the maximum high speed, were added.
Therefore, I think that the electric signal of ignition timing besides the concentration of fuel is changed.
Moreover, I think that wiring etc. has change.
Is the repair special factory of KAWASAKI located in South Korea?
If it is, I will think it good to consult there.
1,923 hits

12R Engine does not start Joe 04/5/12(水) 21:14
┣ Re(1):12R Engine does not start R-1 04/5/12(水) 21:20
┃┣ Re(2):12R Engine does not start 爆走?!中年 04/5/12(水) 22:14
┃┗ Re(2):12R Engine does not start よこやん 04/5/12(水) 22:29
┣ Re(1):12R Engine does not start 森野 熊三 04/5/13(木) 7:34
┣ Re(1):12R Engine does not start Joe 04/5/13(木) 9:49
┣ Re(1):12R Engine does not start Joe 04/5/13(木) 9:59
┃┣ Re(2):12R Engine does not start 爆走?! 04/5/13(木) 11:05
┃┗ Re(2):12R Engine does not start 森野 熊三 04/5/14(金) 7:45
┗ Re(1):12R Engine does not start 匿名 04/5/14(金) 0:50
┗ Re(2):12R Engine does not start いわし 04/5/14(金) 3:28
┣ Re(3):12R Engine does not start いわし 04/5/14(金) 3:30
┃┗ Re(4):12R Engine does not start Joe 04/5/14(金) 10:14
┗ Re(3):12R Engine does not start Joe 04/5/14(金) 10:23
┗ Re(4):12R Engine does not start みどり12R 04/5/15(土) 3:13

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